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J. C. Jay1839A catalogue of the shells, arranged according to the Lamarckian system; together with descriptions of new or rare species, contained in the collection of John C. Jay, M.D.
R. I. Johnson1964The recent Mollusca of Augustus Addison Gould
R. I. Johnson1964The recent Mollusca of Augustus Addison Gould
J. H. Jonas1846Molluskologische Beiträge
J. H. Jonas1846Molluskologische Beiträge
J. H. Jonas1845Neue Conchylien
J. H. Jonas1845Neue Conchylien
J. H. Jonas1844Vorläufige Diagnosen neur Conchylien, welche ausführlicher beschreiben und abgebildet nächstens erscheinen werden
J. H. Jonas1844Vorläufige Diagnosen neur Conchylien, welche ausführlicher beschreiben und abgebildet nächstens erscheinen werden
F. Jousseaume1889Voyage de M. Eugène Simon au Venezuela (Décembre 1887–Avril 1888). Mollusques
F. Jousseaume1877Mollusques nouveaux de la République d l’Équateur
F. Jousseaume1877Mollusques nouveaux de la République d l’Équateur
F. Jousseaume2Voyage de M. Eugène Simon au Venezuela (Décembre 1887–Avril 1888). Mollusques
A. R. Kabat1991The classification of the Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda): review and analysis of the supraspecific taxa
A. R. Kabat, Boss K. J.1997Karl Eduard von Martens (1831–1904): his life and works
J. E. de Kay1843Zoology of New York, or the New-York fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York; with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders: and accompanied by appropriate illustrations.
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P. P. King, Broderip W. J.1831Description of the Cirrhipeda, Conchifera and Mollusca, in a collection formed by the officers of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle employed between the years 1826 and 1830 in surveying the southern coasts of South America, including the Straits of Magalhaens a
W. Kobelt1911Drei neue Ampullarienformen
F. Lacanilao1990Reproduction of the golden apple snail (Ampullaridae [sic]): egg mass , hatching, and incubation
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I. Lea1866New Unionidae, Melanidae, etc., chiefly of the United States
I. Lea1856Description of thirteen new species of exotic Peristomata
I. Lea1838Description of new freshwater and land shells
I. Lea1834Observations on the na{\"ıades; and descriptions of new species of that and other families
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W. B. Marshall1930New land and fresh-water mollusks from South America
W. B. Marshall1926New land and fresh-water mollusks from Central and South America
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W. G. Maton1811Description of seven new species of Testacea
W. B. McKillop, Harrison A. D.1980Hydrobiological studies of eastern Lesser Antillean islands V. St. Lucia: freshwater habitats, water chemistry and distribution of freshwater molluscs
G. Mermod1952Les types de la collection Lamarck au Muséum de Genève. Mollusques vivants, III
E. H. Michelson1961On the generic limits in the family Pilidae (Prosobranchia: Mollusca)
K. Miller1879Die Binnenmollusken von Ecuador (Schluss)
O. Mochida1991Spread of freshwater Pomacea snails (Pilidae, Mollusca) from Argentina to Asia
A. Morelet1857Testacea nova Australiæ
A. Morelet1849Testacea novissima insulæ Cubanæ et Americæ centralis, Part 1.
S. Moricand1836Mémoire sur les coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles, envoyées de Bahia par M.J. Blanchet
J. P. E. Morrison1952Correction of the type locality of Pomacea cumingii (King) 1834
J. P. E. Morrison1946{The Nonmarine Mollusks of San José Island: With Notes on Those of Pedro Gonzalez Island, Pearl Islands, Panamá
A. Mousson1873Zweite Notiz über einige von Herrn Gustav Wallis aus dem nördlichen Süd-Amerika zurückgebrachte Mollusken
A. Mousson1869Notiz über einige von Herrn Gustav Wallis aus dem nördlichen Süd-Amerika zurückgebrachte Mollusken
O. F. Muller1774Vermium terrestrum et fluviatilium, seu animalium infusoriorum, helminthicorum, et testaceorum, non marinorum, succincta historia. Volumen alterum
F. Naggs1997William Benson and the early study of land snails in British India and Ceylon
F. Naggs1997William Benson and the early study of land snails in British India and Ceylon


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith